Tuesday 7 February 2012

First Blog of 2012 FINALLY!

After what seems an age I have come to a point where my internal critical thinking is driving me crazy! I haven't gone a day since December without thinking of possibilities for my inquiry. Now, I am ready to continue my hard work and hopefully achieve a great outcome.

I hate the feeling of being left behind and I hope that many of you are still checking out your blogs. I felt I had to stay behind so I could do justice to my inquiry. I wanted to start a mild intervention in my classes at the college (which is now underway, more about that later) to enable a collection of physical results that I can apply within my professional practise. I have ensured my inquiry is ethical and in the best interest for my test subjects by intsilling the understanding that the participants will be directly benefiting from what we learn.

With the extra time I have had, I was able to finish last term with two dance shows from the dancing school and organised exams to complete around Easter. Including seventy class reports, many assessments and presentations. End of year is always a busy time and I'm glad I can now concentrate more on the task at hand.

My Internet has not worked since the 24th January and I have been trying to use the Internet at my mothers house as the Library is not open late in the evening. This is difficult for many reasons you don't need to know. It has been a frustrating few weeks, but I thought I can use my phone to check up on you lot and I can write my thoughts and save them as word documents for now.

I hope your course work and presentations all went well guys. I'm very jealous at the moment, but I'm not far behind and will soon be catching you all up!

1 comment:

  1. Aby please get in touch and to discuss working on your inquiry - also there is an Addendum page under the Module 3 tab to help with formative feedback this semester. Call or skype - I am around Friday 17th...
