Tuesday 2 November 2010

Task 1c

When starting this task I had many ideas that I wanted to explore. When deciding what to do for my video I liked Joanna's choice of style. I thought it creative and interesting. I had already created my 45 second clip of which you can see below. However, I too have started to play around with different editing options. Now not only have I created a clip but I have found a way to create a showreel for potential employers that might be a little more insightful and creative. Thus making the clip more interesting and easier to watch, a peice that makes you want to watch more (I shall upload this soon).

As I am camera shy like Ross I was hoping to do something like his, something that seems less evasive.
Here is my first  attempt;

The mirrors represent my personal ongoing reflection throughout the course and the studio is my working professional practise. The glass im writting on represents the present tense and I am using this to create a platform for my initial thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Aby - aspirations - good concept within clip with mirror and then explanations.

    Looking forward to other blogs for reflection and professional networking. Liked your links in earlier blogs - reflecting on the links between BAPP and your professional practice. Have you tried the day reflection log yet? Have you had any ideas about inquiry questions that could be taken further? You have a range of practice so many avenues that could be on interest to explore...

    Looking forward to the next blogs.
