Friday 3 December 2010

Tea with sugar!

I was stressing the other night, had an actual melt down! I haven't blogged for a while because of work commitments and looked through the reader to get an idea where everyone was at. I have been writting my journel and after this weekend I think ill be up to date (I have a lot of drafts to publish). I suppose I was nervous of posting them incase they were wrong or bad. After a conversation with Paula Nottingham, reading through and researching, I now realise there is no wrong, theres just progress. I've got to take this as it comes and learn as I go, so the tasks are coming! Promise!

Tea with sugar? The cure to my melt down! Feeling a lot better now. Prioritising and organisation will be improving day by day! (Hopefully).

1 comment:

  1. Exactly! well said.

    for others in the same boat teas with sugar and a dose of Honey and Mumford.
