You have a great blog, mainly because you discuss
variety of wide ranging topics and I genuinely believe
you say what you honestly think. There are also
other great coach blogs out there. Do you think
blogging culture within the field, has led to certain
I ask having read your blog post titled
VG: I never have
had difficulty in saying what I think.
incest’ really bothers me. In sport there
are few original
ideas, we all stand on the shoulders of
giants. I believe
that you MUST give credit where credit
is due. I have no
tolerance for gurus and charlatans.
There are too many
posers out there who have never
had to legitimately
coach, supervising a weight room is
not coaching. I do
read many blogs and training sites
on the internet,
but there is too much bullshit and not
enough substance. I
would rather read books, study
research and
interact with people who are willing to
share ideas.
Remember there is no filter on the
So referring back to your previous statement, you
much rely on your network of colleagues to learn
things and develop?
VG: I sure do, and
sometimes daily. There is a group
of us that are
almost in constant communication. In
addition, there is
the network from the GAIN
Apprentorship that
is proving very valuable as a source
of good, solid
information and for sounding. We may
not all agree, but
we do speak a common language, so
we understand where everyone is coming
from." [1]
1. Cripps, D. 2009 Professional Strength and Conditioning: The Five People you
Meet in Heaven No. 15 Autumn ed, UK Professional strength and
conditioning assoc. [Online] http://lgdata.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/docs/566/52855/UKSCA_15.pdf
Thanks for this Aby - for anyone else who has questioned whether or not it is good to access Middlesex journals about what they do... this blog shows how beneficial it is for improving practice to look at literature (research and what professional have said about what they do) for their topic and jobs in the workplace - and this one also relates to sharing that practice!