Wednesday 6 April 2011

Task 6a

Hi guys,

I have written a survey. It's aimed at dancers sorry for any exclusion. I really wanted to narrow my research now that I am coming to a better understanding of my Inquiry. Please, please, please feel free to express any thoughts good or bad in my blog comments box below. I would also really appreciate anyone taking the time to fill in my survey.

Thanks guys! X
Please take the survey titled "Dance and Education".


  1. Done! Hope it helps. Very interesting survey. I felt like my secondary school paid no attention or gave me any credit for the amount of dancing I did. They were only really concerned about students going to 'normal' college not dance schools. Everything I learnt in terms of dance came from outside of school. I even took GCSE dance after school hours with my dance school as my secondary school didnt have it as an option so I did it a year early and gain another GCSE that way.

  2. Hi Laura, Your experience sounds very similar to mine! They were more than happy to show you off in talent shows but never had an ounce of support when it came to developing knowledge or skills! I wish I had done GCSE dance as an option.
    Thank you for your comment! X

  3. Hi. I've completed it. Hope it helps. I was unsure at points whether you were just talking about school or if you were talking about my training at Arts Ed as well. It might help to be more specific.

  4. Thank you Mark!
    Ive realised this now looking back at my results! I need to focus on specific time periods of training if I want to correlate results for comparison. After analysing this, I now think I need to focus specifically at one area of training/education. Before I had a broader spectrum of ideas. However, after reflection I have decided to narrow the time frame/training period to just that of college level, thus meaning I will need to adapt my survey accordingly.
